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Minggu, 16 Mei 2010

Ketika Cinta Harus Berakhir


I'm only left with a piano to accompany me all day
Sleepin on a grand piano
Silently worning out
I think you've shown it prefectly clear
I understand and I know that you're willing to
You said that you will be sad
But I don't believe it
Accompanying me and holding my hand like before
I hope that he really love you more than I do
So I will forced myself to leave you
You want me to stay, it's hard for me
I don't even want us to separate
Why do I still replace my sadness with a smile?
I really don't have that talent
Being with you and then accept him
You don't have to worry too much
I can manage on my own
You've gone so far away
And I will slowly walk away
Why do I still hold you when I should be leaving?
I really don't have that skill
To remain silent so soon
I will learn how to give you up
It's because I still love you so much


Yes, I still love you so much, this much.. T^T
I promise that I won't cry, but I can't keep that promise..
My heart is broken into a pieces when I saw the video in your link
In my mind, I think "God.. is there no other way? To keep it work?"
I don't know. God seems silent..

And I remember, in past..
The first time I fall in love with her, I prayed to God
and asked God to give me chance to make her mine
but if there's a time that God wanted to take her back.. I will let Him to take her back..

This is the time.. to give her back to God.. and let God take care of her, without me..
I don't know God.. Am I willing to do that? I just keep saying in my mind:
"God, please give her back to me.. Please give us that way, Please give us another chance, Please don't make her belong to somebody else.."

God.. but if I have to lose her, let it be..
I just hope that she will find her happiness, as I also will

I just wondering, how cud I live days without her..
LIfe must go on, show must go on.. but what life and what show without her?

and I cry myself to sleep.. so sad..
I am deeply wounded..
I got a heart without a home..
But that's all

Move on, man!! Lets move on..!!
I know God would guide me.. would guide her..
to reach Your will.. the best for us..
I believe You, God, an awesome God..
I believe in miracle
and I believe that everything wud be wonderful in His time..

Gbu my B.. Walk with Him through everything.. :)

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-It's God who arms me with strenght and make my way perfect-