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Rabu, 05 Mei 2010

I don't Understand Me :(

Feels empty today..
What am I thinking of?

Feels like I am a fool

God.. help me..
to do what I should do
not to do what I shouldn't do
to feel what I should feel
not to feel what I shouldn't feel

I'm so lost..
Why You give me this heart?
What do You want me to do with this heart?
What do You want me to get through this heart?

Yes, thanks Jesus, that I've learned about..
trust, pain, responsibility, love, and so on..

Yet, I can't through this without You
I need You, coz I don't understand this feeling yet..
I don't understand me, God..

Feels like there's something that I must do
But I can't see the purpose.. I don't know what to do first..
Where wud u bring me?

Just trust You, and I know I'll be alright
and I know that I'm with You

Jesus, I hope You wud come and take over this thing so soon..
or just saying something so the truth will be done..

O my Jesus..
please, look at us and say something, to fix this, to get me out of this..
to give the answer of our pray, of our question
and to have cure of our pain


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-It's God who arms me with strenght and make my way perfect-