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Rabu, 01 September 2010


When we are facing the unsuccessful thing in our life, the first thing to do maybe to face the truth that we're fail!

Yes.. I'm fail..!!

My job application isn't success..
And what am I going to do now?
Yes I wud searching for new one, and make some application again..
Until when? Until success.. of course..

Sometimes, I don't want to face the truth, I just pretend that something wrong, that I'm not fail, and I just keep on waiting something happen, and my failure change to successful..
It's seems crazy but it happen right now..

Another thing is..
I fail in my love life..
Yes she's gone.. but sometimes I just run away from the truth and just pretend that someday she'll come back, coz she's making mistakes right now..

O God.. please help me to realise that fail is fail..
And It's okay to fail
As long as we're moving on after the fail, unto the success

God.. please let me tell my self that.. yes, I'm facing the failure right now!!
but that's not the point.. the main point is.. I have to wake up.. and make a move, to make a success someday.

And another important thing is..
I don't have to worry.. don't scare to make a first new step.

I'm facing sooooooooo much failure in the same time, right now..
I have no friend, have no community, have no girlfriend, have no job..
seem that I have no future

But of course I have future, only if I left the failure behind..
and moving forward to the sucessfull future..
always like that..

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-It's God who arms me with strenght and make my way perfect-